Update on Suchitoto 13

The 9 detainees who remained in prison were ordered released today on conditional liberty. 4 others had been released last week. The defense had been able to convince the court that the defendants had family, home and work roots in the community and were not a risk to disappear before trial. Note, however, that this release does not drop the terrorism charges against those arrested with the possible stiff prison terms.

On July 19, the office of the Human Rights Ombudsman (PDDH) issued its report on the July 2 events in and around Suchitoto. A copy of the report can be downloaded here. Among his findings: (1) the riot police failed to attempt to mediate a peaceful resolution to clear the streets and instead used disproportionate force against the those gathered in protest; (2) the presence and actions of the armed forces violated the limits set out in El Salvador's post civil war constitution; (3) the arrests were illegitimate and the anti-Terror law should not apply to such actions; (4) some of those detained were subjected to torture and/or physical and mental abuse and threatened with death. This report adds to the existing collection of reports from human rights organizations condemning the government's actions that day.


Unknown said…
Gracias Tim por interesarte en el tema de violaciones a los derechos humanos en nuestro país, pertenezco a una organización social-sindical y hemos estado en apoyo solidario con los compañeros y compañeras que estuvieron presos, así como también con sus familiares!!

El proceso sigue y estamos en contacto con el comité de los presos políticos

Saludos fraternos